During the 2023 Board of Directors meeting, the board voted to suspend the SAC due to lack of active participation on the committee by students. In a sense, the committee accomplished its mission, evidenced by the enhanced focus on student participation and new funding opportunities. The SAC will not go away, but is being reimagined and consolidated. It is important to note that the PAS values student involvement, participation, and student-centered initiatives and will actively work to continue engaging students with the society. A PAS Board member will take the lead on this committee and have a more active role in planning workshops at the annual meeting and engaging the local student community at each conference. Stay tuned for more information.



The PAS Student Affairs Committee provides an opportunity and outlet for greater student involvement in the Plains Anthropological Society. The committee works with the PAS Board to generate new ideas for student membership, participation, and professionalization. The committee also works with students to determine what their interests are in the society and assists with communication between student members and the PAS Board.


The Student Affairs Committee is an ad hoc committee that was started in 2013 at the request of PAS Student Members. 


Provides an opportunity and outlet for greater student involvement in the Plains Anthropological Society. Works with the PAS Board to generate new ideas for student membership, participation, and professionalization. Works with students to determine what their interests are in the society and assists with communication between student members and the PAS Board.


Student member of the Committee


Student Committee members will serve three year terms, and the chair will hold the position for two years.


  1. Represent student members at PAS Board meetings. The Chair of the Student Affairs Committee will sit in on meetings and communicate updates to the PAS President.
  2. Maintain a student-only list serve for student members of PAS.
  3. Disseminate information regarding the Plains Anthropological Society, the Plains Conference, conference travel grants, and professionalization resources to student members.
  4. Work with conference planners to organize a student section at the Early Bird Part and more student-focused events (i.e., workshops and the Student Poster Competition).


List of Past SAC Conference Workshops