Plains Anthropologist

Plains Anthropologist, a quarterly journal, publishes original papers on the anthropology of the Great Plains and adjacent areas of North America. Manuscripts of a more general nature, or those concerned with other areas, will be considered if they are of theoretical importance or if they bear upon problems of humans in Plains environments. Memoir issues of the Plains Anthropologist are published depending on availability of manuscripts and funding.

Individual subscription is by membership in the Plains Anthropological Society.

Information on how to submit manuscripts can be found here. Authors should submit manuscripts directly online to:

Editorial Staff 

For any questions or for those requesting help with reproduction of published material, contact:
Bill Billeck, Editor, Plains Anthropologist (2023) 
Department of Anthropology
National Museum of Natural History
Smithsonian Institution
Washington DC 20560
Phone: (202) 633-0865

Send review copies of books to:
Alison Hadley, Book Review Editor, Plains Anthropologist (2024) 
Assistant Professor, Anthropology
Department of Social Sciences
Texas A&M International University
Laredo, Texas
Office: (956) 326-2651