The Plains Anthropological Society Editorial Committee is asking members who may be interested in serving as Editor of Plains Anthropologist to notify us of their interest. Among the position’s many tasks, the Editor will serve a three-year term as the primary contact with our publisher, Taylor & Francis; must solicit manuscripts and reviewers of manuscripts; will communicate with authors during the publication process; and should keep the Society apprised of the journal’s status. Additionally, a new publication agreement will be negotiated during the next term. The PAS President and Board of Directors will lead these negotiations, but the Editor is expected to be deeply involved in this process. While the journal is currently behind schedule, we are optimistic about the likelihood of resuming our regular publication timetable during the next Editor’s term. The Editor is an ex officio member of the Board of Directors and is expected to attend semi-annual board meetings. The Editor receives a stipend of $10,000 to support their commitment or to fund an assistant if desired.


If you are interested, please submit a formal proposal to by December 1, 2024. Please introduce yourself, describe your qualifications, discuss your vision for improving the journal, and tell us whether you anticipate institutional support. Note that lack of institutional support is not a disqualifier.