Orders for back issues of the Plains Anthropologist are on hold until March 20, 2023. 

Members receive full access to all past issues of Plains Anthropologist online as a benefit of membership. Visit the online journal access page for more information.

Since 2014, Plains Anthropologist has been published by Taylor & Francis. The Plains Anthropological Society still maintains editorial control of all content, but the actual printing and distribution is now managed by Taylor & Francis. As such, we are no longer able to sell back issues of the journal for all issues printed after 2013 (2014-present). Plains Anthropologist issues from 2014 to present can be viewed and purchased from Taylor & Francis here.

Issues printed through 2013 can still be ordered by using the form below. Please note, all orders of pre-2014 issues are subject to availability. Please contact our Back Issues Manager, Brandi Bethke, to see about availability.

For Plains Anthropologist back issues through 2013, click here to view our order form.

A Cumulative Index of the Plains Anthropologist from 1947-2001 is available in the PAS online Archives.