Shopping Cart

  1. Sign into your user account. If you do not have a current account, please create a new one.Shopping cart image
  2. Choose the most appropriate membership type from the list: Individual, Student, Joint, or Lifetime. Be sure to read through the membership benefits. If you choose to do a Joint Membership, you must designate someone to be the secondary member. 
  3. Click “Add to cart” button that corresponds with your membership choice.
  4. At this time, note your Shopping Cart will open on the side bar to the left (or at the top on a mobile device).
  5. When you are ready to complete your payment, click on the “Checkout” button at the  bottom of the Shopping Cart. 

Checkout Page

At first glance, the Checkout page appears long and arduous. DO NOT DESPAIR! This is much more simple than you realize. 

  • Your Name: Fill in the name fields that correspond to your payment (on the card). 
  • Billing: Fill out billing information related to your payment type. 
  • Delivery: This is the address in which the Plains Anthropologist journal will be shipped. Please check this over!
  • Payment Method: All payments are processed with PayPal. You can use a PayPal account to make payments OR you can pay with a credit card
  • Order Comments: You may add any supplemental information here that will be stored on your order information. 

Click on “Review Order” button at the bottom of  the page Review Order image

Review Page

Carefully review the information on this page. You can go “Back” to make any changes.

Click on “Submit order” button to proceed with payment processed with PayPal. 


You will automatically be redirected to PayPal where you will see an option to pay with a PayPal account OR with a credit card. If you are currently logged into a PayPal account when you make this purchase, you will see your personal account information. If you want to back out of your account, click on "Not You?" at the top.

If you pay with a credit card, you will see a Guest Checkout screen where you can finalize your purchase. You Are All Done!

When your purchase has been completed, you will see a verification page. Scroll down to the bottom and click on "Return to Merchant" button to return to the Plains Anthropological Society website. 

You can view your completed purchases and print invoices from your “My Account” page (please allow at least 30 seconds for the database to refresh)

PayPal Interface    Paypal guest checkout     Paypal receipt